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Rowzan residence

Rowzan residence

     Rowzan residence位于德黑兰北部的Zaferanieh居住区,基地内高达16米的南北高差让南边起伏错落的城市天际线一览无遗。七层高的私人公寓建筑内包括了两套公寓以及其上一套三层的复式居住单元。建筑师需要在最大化利用南侧震撼城市景观的同时,保证建筑东、北两侧立面的最少开窗,以防邻侧熙熙攘攘的校园生活干扰到业主的正常起居,保护他们的隐私。

    Rowzan residence is a private residential building in 7 story consists of a private triplex unit upon two individual flats. The site is located in Zaferanieh neighborhood, in northern part of Tehran on a steep slope which varies up to 16 meters from south to north which ensures scenic overlooks toward the city skyline. So it was a main purpose in design process to take advantage of this spectacular view, but in the north and east sides there is a camp with student rush, thus minimum opening was preferred to have more privacy and quietness.
    The project is organized in three parts which settle on the slope gradually. The southern part is the yard and spiral car ramp which connects the street to the parking floor in two height upper. The middle part includes parking area and the twin flats and the northern part devoted to lobbies of the residence , both public and private, and the triplex unit with direct access to the northern alley.
    Here architects designed a perforated concrete shell safeguarding the inhabitant's privacy from the overlooking neighbors .It acts as a second skin protects the inner transparent mass which has been set back and let it have large windows with maximum possible light. This creates a unique calm in-between place which keeps you far away from the city next to that, where water pond duplicates light by reflection and the bamboos, potted in oval-shape container, add life and beauty to the space. This shell continues in the east side, becomes the single skin of the envelope which channels limited light and sight in, but in the south with sweeping views of the city , it has been cut off to have maximum openness.